Late Cancellation Policy

You must cancel a daily walking service at least 24 hours in advance or there will be a $10 fee.

You can change the date of a service within the same week with no penalty.

For Overnight Pet Sitting less than 1 week away, it is half the original total entirety cost of the assignment. These are case by case determinations.

Holiday Fee

There is an extra $10 holiday fee associated with all services scheduled on Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve/Day, Easter and the Fourth of July.

Time Blocks

We try to get as close to the ideal time for pickups for all our services, however an understanding of a range is necessary. Typically morning, midday and evening time blocks.


Over Nights are for 24 hours of consecutive care.

If a pick up is 10am-12pm, the drop off will be within the same time block.

Later drop offs can be requested for a regular service charge.

If a client is returning after 6pm, we reserve the right to keep the pet another night to avoid any travel delays or the pet being alone too long.

Weather Protocols

We have cold weather protocol and hot weather protocol that we implement accordingly.

We typically take the pups for extra time on a regular basis, so that when it is prohibitive to spend extended exposure outdoors, we have the freedom to use our discretion about the length of our outings.  Obviously, safety is our priority in all circumstances. 

·  We use Musher's Secret on their paws to prevent discomfort and snow getting stuck between their pads.

·  We will use any outerwear available to keep them insulated.

·  We keep moving and hike in areas of the park that have shelter from the direct wind.

·  We will limit the outside time exposure if there are any signs of discomfort or chill.

For hot weather protocol or temperatures above 85 degrees:

·        We walk on shady paths to avoid too much exposure to direct sunlight.

·        We keep the exercise levels moderated, so pups don’t over exhaust themselves.

·        We keep them hydrated safely, so they don’t drink too much at once.

·        We douse them with water before and after activity, to help prevent overheating.


Response Time

Please allow 48 hours response to a non-emergency email or voice mail communication.

Office hours are 3-5 pm Monday through Friday.

Veterinarian Authorization and Protocol

Should an emergency arise that requires immediate medical attention, please inform your vet of our authorization and contact information. No medical actions will be taken without your express permission, except in time critical situations.

New Client Intake Process

To begin the multi-tier on-boarding process, we begin with the Square Space application, phone screening, in-home interview, 2 week trial period to ensure everyone knows what the procedures and protocols are. To make sure we are a good fit and everyone is on the same page. What is best for the pet is the most important factor to us.

Key Retention

We keep keys in a controlled and safe inventory system to provide seamless service from any of our walkers to you.

We offer a complimentary service as a thank you for new client referrals. We have our best form of advertising through you, our satisfied clientele.

We will treat your pet to a free service for birthdays as a gesture of good faith and to let you know how much we appreciate the lifelong relationship with you and your pets. That is what we are all about.